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Pin It Now! Would you like to get your product or website out in front of thousands of moms and across the country? You've came to the right place!

Currently averaging close to 45,000 views and over 25,000 unique visitors each month, Beauty4Moms.blogspot.com is one of the best women-targeted blogs on the web.

I am very happy to offer a variety of sizes of ads and ad placement - there is something for every budget out there. For the amount of targeted exposure you'll get the rates I offer are exceptional!

So, what are you waiting for? Shoot me an email and introduce your business and what kind of advertising you are interested in.

Here are a few of our favorite packages.

Package 1: One week

Cost: Contact us for more details.
What you get: Your 125×125 box banner rotated in the top right sidebar position for one week.
Availability: Open for orders.
Benefits: Your campaign is placed on all pages including the homepage, in the top right sidebar position.

Package 2: One month

Cost: Contact us for more details.
What you get: Your 125×125 box banner rotated in the top right sidebar position for one month.
Availability: Open for orders.
Benefits: Your campaign is placed on all pages including the homepage, in the top right sidebar position.

You will need to supply your own 125×125 pixel banner. JPEG, GIF or PNG are accepted and please keep file size low. No flashing ads please. You may change your banner at any time.

Package 3: Three months

Cost: Contact us for more details.
What you get: Your 125×125 box banner rotated in the top right sidebar position for three months.
Availability: Open for orders.
Benefits: Your campaign is placed on all pages including the homepage, in the top right sidebar position.

You will need to supply your own 125×125 pixel banner. JPEG, GIF or PNG are accepted and please keep file size low. No flashing ads please. You may change your banner at any time.

Package 4: One year

Cost: Contact us for more details.
What you get: Your 125×125 box banner rotated in the top right sidebar position for one year.
Availability: Open for orders.
Benefits: Your campaign is placed on all pages including the homepage, in the top right sidebar position.

You will need to supply your own 125×125 pixel banner. JPEG, GIF or PNG are accepted and please keep file size low. No flashing ads please. You may change your banner at any time.

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Daily Bible Verse

And now, dear children, continue in him, so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming.
1 John 2:28  (NIV)

Provided by Christ Notes

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