We would like to introduce you to our sister site EmbracingBeauty.com! For more information check out our sister site here.

Meet Out New Sister Site, EmbracingBeauty.com

Pin It Now! Embracing Beauty

You may have noticed that some of our content has disappeared from this site. There is no need to be alarmed, it has moved to our sister site EmbracingBeauty.com. You can subscribe to Embracing Beauty by RSS feed or by email. We'll continue to share our Beauty 4 Moms Facebook page and Twitter page so you can follow both great sites there!

Things that will remain the same on Beauty 4 Moms:
- Reviews
- Coupons
- Giveaways
- Mom/family related freebies
- Mom owned business of the month
- Pampers, Huggies, & Disney free codes

Things that will switch over to Embracing Beauty:
- Deals
- Bible study
- Homemaking tips
- Organizational advice
- Win-it-Wednesday linky
- Weekly grocery store/coupon match ups
- & lots of coupons, freebies, reviews & giveaways!

We hope that by dividing this site into two that we can better serve you. Both sites are about saving money, spending time with family, and truly enjoying life...what we like to call Embracing Beauty!


Toia said...

Great blog!! I am on my way to check out your sister site. Have a bless weekend!!

Carly said...

They are both great blogs. I follow both.

MrsAshley said...

Thank you Toia & Carly! I'm glad to have you both as readers, you guys are the best!

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Daily Bible Verse

And now, dear children, continue in him, so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming.
1 John 2:28  (NIV)

Provided by Christ Notes

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