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Tips on Raising a Happy Child
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Tips on Raising a Happy Child
As a mom, there is nothing more important than raising a happy, healthy child. From the moment you find out you are pregnant, you begin researching everything from boosting your child’s immune system to the best baby wash for their sensitive skin. It’s what we as moms do; we strive to ensure a healthy life for our little ones while still attempting to give them the comforts and enjoyments they deserve. Luckily, for new moms, as well as those who feel like the old pro, there are many ways of achieving both comfort and health in your little one’s life. Below, we will talk about a few ideas that can help you and your child on the way to a better lifestyle.
A Good Night’s Sleep
One of the most important things to keep a growing child healthy is ensuring they get the rest they need. For most moms, the first few months of a baby’s life is full of late night feedings and changings. This is why making sure your bundle of joy makes the most of their uninterrupted sleep time is so important. Before bringing your new addition home, the search for the perfect crib and crib mattress ensues. Making sure you buy a premium mattress that will allow for comfort, as well as safety is key. One company that supplies top of the line mattresses as well as mattress pads to help with late night accidents, is Moonlight Slumber. Allowing your baby to spend their sleep time on a comfortable mattress will help them get the rest they need to grow and be happy, healthy little ones.
Products You Can Trust
All moms go through the struggle to choose the right products to use on their little ones. Whether you are having to make the decision of which brand of diapers you want your baby to wear or which shampoo you will use during bath time, the options are limitless. With so many products available on the market, research is important. Babies have delicate skin, but children of all ages deserve to use the best products to keep them healthy. A nice soothing bath is a great way to allow your little one to indulge in comfort, and promote quality time with mom and dad. The addition of safe, natural products will help make this time be one of relaxation while also making sure your child remains happy and healthy.
Expecting the Unexpected
No matter how hard we fight it, it’s inevitable that at some point your child will get sick. Colds, earaches, fevers, and upset tummies, are all part of raising children. Common ailments will present themselves. The trick is knowing the signs and symptoms so you don’t find yourself in a panicked state when they occur. Having a pediatrician you trust and with whom you can develop a good relationship is important for raising a healthy child. They will be your partner on this front and will help lead you through these times when fear can threaten to take over. They will also provide you with the knowledge to help fight these issues before they arrive.
Sure, every child will have a cold at some point, but that doesn’t mean you can’t work hard to keep those colds at bay as often as possible. Disinfecting, washing hands and basic germ-fighting skills are something moms learn through the years and can use on a daily basis to help raise healthier families.
The health and comfort of your child are among the most important things in a parent’s life. Making the best choices possible will help you on the way to achieving this goal. Seeing your dedication and hard work pay off in the happy child you raise is the greatest feeling in the world and one that so many parents spend their lives working toward.
Incorporating health and comfort with a fun, loving life is the ultimate goal, so enjoy your time with your youngster, knowing you have prepared both you and them for a healthy future.
Five Things 10/18
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{Fall Nail Art}
As fall weather is beginning to slowly creep in I'm starting to appreciate this season again. The new sites, sounds, scents, and flavors of fall are like a welcome home hug from an old friend. Here are my top 5 Things this week that are inspired by the fall season. I hope you have a wonderful weekend enjoying the little things in life!
I've been craving it lately and I can't get enough of it. Pregnancy cravings, what can you do?
There's something about fall that makes me want to smell good.
It has apples in it so it's basically good for me, right? Yes, I'm sticking by that.
{Fall Nail Art}
I did this Fall Nail Art for a few weeks ago and I think I'm ready to pull the polishes out again. These colors are gorgeous and just scream "autumn." I might like to do a whole manicure with just the pumpkins. Or just the coffee cup, or the candy corn. They are all so cute!
{Free Fall Subway Art}
I got this adorable and free fall printable from Pink Ink Doodle. You can choose to get the image in an 8x10 or 5x7 size. I can't wait to hang mine up!
That's it! Those are my 5 of my favorite things right now. What are yours?
Father’s Day Extravaganza Giveaway Sign Up for Bloggers!
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Sign-ups are now open! You'll get one free link {Twitter or Pinterest} with an announcement post or if you want to pay the $5 fee. Co-Host spots are available for $10 which includes 4 Rafflecopter links, 1 link in the giveaway HTML and one host page! Follow Pages are available for $5 and additional links for $2 each. These sign ups end soon because the giveaway will run May 17th-June 7th!
(Multiple Winners)
Dimples BBQ Gift Basket ($40)
Daddy Scrubs Swag Gift Set ($90)
Cafe Press Gift Certificate ($25)
Stat Gear ($50)
Golden Island Jerky ($40)
Cabela's Gift Card or E-Card ($25)
Home Depot or Lowes Gift Card ($25) (This one is only if we have enough funds)
*We may add more prizes before the giveaway starts still waiting to hear from several sponsors*
*The blogger with the most referrals will receive a Co-host spot at no cost*
Please send PayPal Gift to
Sign-up here!
Tips for Eating Healthy With Coupons
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“I can't eat healthy with coupons.”
It’s a common misconception that you can only get highly processed junk foods for cheap (or even free!) with coupons. While it's true that many of the items you can get for free are processed foods such as cereal, pasta, juice, etc., it's also possible to save on many other items at the grocery store such as bagged salads, spices, sugar, yogurt, cheese, bread, frozen fruits and vegetables and many others.
If you don't want your family to eat a certain thing just don't buy it, even if it's free or very cheap. It's as simple as that! If it's too good of a deal for you to pass up you could buy the items and then donate them to a local food bank that I'm sure would be grateful for the donation.
Be sure and check out our list of where to find organic coupons. These are free coupons that will help you save the next time you buy your favorite organic brand foods. If your favorite company isn't on the list try searching for their website online and write them to thank them for their product and kindly ask them if they provide coupons and where you can find them.
Last but not least, don't forget that if you're saving big chunks of money on non-food items at drugstores you can probably afford to splurge a little on your favorite healthy foods. Getting toothpaste for free and razors for $0.50 is bound to give you a little more wiggle room in your budget so don't feel bad for paying full price for those organic strawberries that you love so much. It's okay to spend money on things that you enjoy. Always try to buy seasonal foods, look for sales, use a coupon whenever possible but at the end of the day you have to decide what's worth saving and spending on.
Where to Find Organic Coupons
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Here is a list of free coupons that you can get too use on your favorite organic items. Some of these sites will mail you coupons, some you can print, and some will even be loaded to your store card. Organic coupons are just as versatile as your junk food coupons, you just have to know where to find them. ...and now you do!
Here is a list of free coupons that you can get too use on your favorite organic items. Some of these sites will mail you coupons, some you can print, and some will even be loaded to your store card. Organic coupons are just as versatile as your junk food coupons, you just have to know where to find them. ...and now you do!
If you have any other organic coupon locations please let me know by leaving a comment in the section below.
Teaching Kids About Budgeting
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Teaching kids about budgeting is one of parenting’s biggest challenges. Unfortunately, it’s not something that parents always take the time to do. For adults, banking, bill paying and saving are second nature. Through years of trial and error, parents have learned how to create a budget and stick to it. Nonetheless, most people still struggle with financial concepts, which they feel puts them on shaky ground when it comes to teaching kids about budgeting.
Teaching kids about budgeting is one of parenting’s biggest challenges. Unfortunately, it’s not something that parents always take the time to do. For adults, banking, bill paying and saving are second nature. Through years of trial and error, parents have learned how to create a budget and stick to it. Nonetheless, most people still struggle with financial concepts, which they feel puts them on shaky ground when it comes to teaching kids about budgeting.
No matter how difficult it may be, it’s important to get kids involved in the idea of budgeting from an early age. Hopefully, this will create an adult who is disciplined about money and less likely to fall into the traps of overspending and over borrowing.
Let Kids In on the Household Budget
If discussing the monthly family budget isn’t on the agenda, then it probably should be. While it likely isn’t necessary to let kids know about the nitty gritty details of the budget, it is important to let them know about the principles upon which it operates. Introduce them to the idea that parents work in order to receive paychecks and that when paychecks are received, it’s important for the worker to pay themselves first.
That means setting aside some money for investments and for rainy day savings. After that, the bills, like the mortgage and car insurance, take precedence. Once all of the bills are paid, the amount left over is used for discretionary spending like family entertainment.
Budgeting for Discretionary Income
Deciding where to spend discretionary dollars is tricky. Each member of the family has their own interests to pursue, and it’s also necessary to set aside money that’s for the whole family to enjoy together. Lots of family activities don’t have to cost much, or even any, money. Nature hikes, going to the park and spending an evening stargazing are all virtually free pastimes. Still, it can be nice for families to do something a little more elaborate. One favorite family outing is the movies. Help kids to understand how to save money on movies by using coupons.
Create a Want List
To instill the idea of saving toward a goal, have each child create a want list. While watching television or shopping at the mall, kids see countless items they’d love to have. Ask the children to write down everything they want while refraining from immediately purchasing it for them. Go over the list periodically together, reviewing each item and asking questions about why they wanted the item. Some items they won’t remember or will have changed their mind about. Other items are sure to stick in their minds, and these should be ranked in order of importance.
Encourage children to save toward the number one item on their list and help them set aside a portion of their allowance to meet this goal. Most children feel a wonderful sense of accomplishment when they are finally able to purchase an item they’ve dreamed of owning for quite some time.
Buying Online: The Price of Trust
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Isn’t it amazing how convenient buying things online can be? We have the luxury of knowing something can be shipped to our home in a matter of days. However, you may have noticed that online products don’t require high buyer/seller interaction. This means that either mainly price motivated the buying decision, or that there aren’t going to be customization options. Not to mention, you never know what could be wrong with your product until it arrives. Wouldn’t it be nice to have the option to buy customizable things online without the worry of getting something incorrect shipped to you? Fortunately, there is! If you need to promote something, go to
Signazon sells every type of promotional material from banners, car magnets, window clings, and yard signs to business cards. Every product on their site is fully customizable, so people have found great value when they visit the site. Their site features an intuitive designer tool so customers can go in and edit any design to their liking and installation instructions for their products. Signazon not only allows you to customize all their products, but they are very consumer-friendly. Exactly how friendly? They hold a 9.65 out of 10 on Reseller Ratings with 647 reviews and counting to back that rating up. In other words, these guys are all about giving customers satisfaction through customization done right.
Signazon sells every type of promotional material from banners, car magnets, window clings, and yard signs to business cards. Every product on their site is fully customizable, so people have found great value when they visit the site. Their site features an intuitive designer tool so customers can go in and edit any design to their liking and installation instructions for their products. Signazon not only allows you to customize all their products, but they are very consumer-friendly. Exactly how friendly? They hold a 9.65 out of 10 on Reseller Ratings with 647 reviews and counting to back that rating up. In other words, these guys are all about giving customers satisfaction through customization done right.
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