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Bossy's Feltworks Giveaway

Pin It Now! Here is a little fact about me that few folks know...are you ready? It's that I LOVE sheep! I do, I love to look at them, be around them, and learn from them (what not to do). They are fabulously stupid creatures.

Sheep and shepherds are mentioned 247 times in the Bible. I love the comparison between the sheep and their shepherd and us and God. It's a very interesting study, I encourage you to read more into it. Anyway, I love sheep!

At our house we have a few wooden figures of sheep, a few ceramic standing sheep and the focal point of our living room is one large painting of sheep standing in a pasture. When I ran across Bossy's Feltworks Etsy Shop I knew I found a shop for me! Even if you're not crazy about sheep like me I'm sure you'll adore her work!

Here's a short look at Bossy's Feltworks beginning:
In the Spring of 2006, three Orcas Islanders gathered the necessary ingredients: a heap of wool, copious quantities of imagination, and four enthusiastic product-testers under the age of five (as well as three supportive though slightly bewildered husbands). And so the adventure in wool -- washing, picking, carding, dyeing and finally felting -- began!

The premise of Bossy's Feltworks is to bring natural, unique and handmade toys to children and adults alike. They take great pride in being a homegrown business.

Meet Bossy, he's among many other sheep that donate a part of themselves for this work. : )

Bossy's Feltworks is proud to have been featured in Feb/March 2009's edition of Small Town Living.

If you want to learn more about the process these ladies go through take a look over here.

Here are a few examples of their beautiful work:
You love them, right?


What a fun mobile!

For more info on any particular item just click on the picture. Several items I listed above were sold items and not items that are for sale in their store right now but just mention what it was and they would love to duplicate it for you. Have an idea for a feltwork project? Tell them about it and see if your dreams can become a reality.

Can't get enough?
Here's their website address: www.bossysfeltworks.com

The giveaway from Bossy's Feltworks is a sheep pin cushion of your choice!
Above are three of my favorites.

To enter: Leave a comment in this post telling me which item is your favorite.

Bonus Entries:
Remember to leave your email in the post.
Also, don't forget to post an extra comment for each additional entry!

* Enter another Beauty4Moms giveaway (1 per giveaway)

* Follow me on Twitter (1 extra)

* Tweet Tweet (1 extra daily)

* Kirsty, Digg or Stumble (2 extra for each)

* Grab my button (3 extra)

* Grab the Beautiful Summer Giveaway (3 extra)

* Blog about this giveaway with a link back to Beauty4Moms. (10 extra)

*Buy any item from Bossy'sFeltworks store and come back with the transaction # (10 extra)

Contest begins July 15, 2009 and ends August 15, 2009 at 9 P.M. EST. Winner chosen through Random.org. The winner will be announced on Twitter and will be contacted via email. The winner has 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be drawn and you'll forfeit your prize. One entry per an entry method per a person. This giveaway is open to entrants from around the world!


Renee G said...

Oh I absolutely love these. My favorite is the needle felted goat. He is so cute.


Renee G said...

I entered the Tilda and Filur giveaway also.

Anonymous said...

The sheep with the black head looks very bossy & definitely in charge of her little round green world. It's like the sheep in "The Little Prince" has escaped from the box and taken over the asteroid (and what happened to the Prince I don't dare speculate!) -- or maybe the sheep got kicked off onto his own asteroid because he was too bossy. But actually I prefer the sweet-looking white sheep with the pink ears -- a better starting place for someone withough prior sheep-care experience.

Cathy Faulkner said...

How can you resist the Sheep with the Parachute! Brilliant! Thanks for doing the giveaway...love it.


NaPr said...

These are just too cute!!!! nprunier@live.com

Stephanie said...

What a neat site, I've been looking for pincushions for my mom. I love this-

I love the nighttime sheep in the blue circle on their etsy shop- I can't get the link to copy! scg00387 at yahoo dot com



nighttime sheep

randio said...

I love the Suffolk Sheep on a Meadow pin cushion!

Abby said...

Oh the little nativity scene is just precious!!

ajcmeyer at go dot com

zealandsmom said...

I love the owl!!!

zealandsmom said...

entered the jewelry giveaway

zealandsmom said...

zealandsmom follows you on twitter

Sharon Harmon said...

Oooh! Bossy's Feltworks are wonderful!! I was immediately drawn to the precious and delicate Needle Felted Lamb on a Felted Mini Meadow! I collect sheep and lambs, and this little fella grabbed my heart right away!! Thank you for the contest!

EYOWYN said...

All the sheep are cute but that ladybug in a leaf is divine!! What talents!

Carrie said...

I love sheep too! I like the one with the black head.

kdkdkd said...

Oh My, a new shop to heart on etsy! I love the Farm Circus - Needle Felted Pin Cushion or Home Decor

Marie said...

I love the Felted Baby Set - Chick, Ball and Bowl,


tatertot374 said...

I really like the pig with wings. So neat!
Thank you for the chance

Jessica's Junk said...

omg haha you're stuff is totally cute! I LOVE the chicks one (but i love the sheep & parachute one the most) Very creative.

I pressed the "i like it" on stumbleupon

Great site
jessicasjunk08 (at) gmail (dot) com

Jessilyn82 said...

These are so cute! My favorite is the Sheep on a Meadow with Red Flowers- Needle Felted Pin Cushion

Jessilyn82 said...

Also entered the Mary Kay Giveway

Jessilyn82 said...

Entered the Revisions Design Studio Giveaway

Jessilyn82 said...

I follow on Twitter as Jessilyn82

Jessilyn82 said...

tweet http://twitter.com/Jessilyn82/status/2943187827

Jessilyn82 said...

Added your main button #1 http://jessilyn82.blogspot.com/

Jessilyn82 said...

Added your main button #2 http://jessilyn82.blogspot.com/

Jessilyn82 said...

Added your main button #3 http://jessilyn82.blogspot.com/

Jessilyn82 said...

Added the Beautiful Summer Giveaway button #1 http://jessilyn82.blogspot.com/

Jessilyn82 said...

Added the Beautiful Summer Giveaway button #2 http://jessilyn82.blogspot.com/

Jessilyn82 said...

Added the Beautiful Summer Giveaway button #3 http://jessilyn82.blogspot.com/

Jessilyn82 said...

Blogged #1 http://jessilyn82.blogspot.com/2009/07/head-over-to-beauty4moms-to-enter-to.html

Jessilyn82 said...

Blogged #2 http://jessilyn82.blogspot.com/2009/07/head-over-to-beauty4moms-to-enter-to.html

Jessilyn82 said...

Blogged #3 http://jessilyn82.blogspot.com/2009/07/head-over-to-beauty4moms-to-enter-to.html

Jessilyn82 said...

Blogged #4 http://jessilyn82.blogspot.com/2009/07/head-over-to-beauty4moms-to-enter-to.html

Jessilyn82 said...

Blogged #5 http://jessilyn82.blogspot.com/2009/07/head-over-to-beauty4moms-to-enter-to.html

Jessilyn82 said...

Blogged #6 http://jessilyn82.blogspot.com/2009/07/head-over-to-beauty4moms-to-enter-to.html

Jessilyn82 said...

Blogged #7 http://jessilyn82.blogspot.com/2009/07/head-over-to-beauty4moms-to-enter-to.html

Jessilyn82 said...

Blogged #8 http://jessilyn82.blogspot.com/2009/07/head-over-to-beauty4moms-to-enter-to.html

Jessilyn82 said...

Blogged #9 http://jessilyn82.blogspot.com/2009/07/head-over-to-beauty4moms-to-enter-to.html

Jessilyn82 said...

Blogged #10 http://jessilyn82.blogspot.com/2009/07/head-over-to-beauty4moms-to-enter-to.html

Shelly T. said...

So cute!
I love the Sheep on a Meadow with Red Flowers- Needle Felted Pin Cushion!!


Jessilyn82 said...

daily tweet http://twitter.com/Jessilyn82/status/2943187827

trishden said...

I love the Mini Sheep on a Meadow - Needle Felted Pin Cushion with Red Flowers. My email is in my blogger account. Thanks for a great giveaway!

trishden said...

I'm a Twitter follower. Thanks! trishden

trishden said...

I tweeted on Twitter here:


Unknown said...

OMG these are the cutest pin cushions ever! I also like the needle felted mini sheep mobile, just adorable!

Lee P said...

The lightning bug is too cute! Thanks for this giveaway and please count me in.


Lee P said...

I am currently entered into the Red Envelope giveaway.


Susan said...

They're all so cute but I think my favourite is the middle one!


Unknown said...

I love the Pair of Hens, Black and Red.


Unknown said...

follower on Twitter- ksh123

Anonymous said...

I absolutely adore the fireflies in the jar. How beautiful they are!


Anonymous said...

I entered the Tilda and Filur Giveaway.


justine said...

My fave is Sheep in a meadow with the red flowers, they are the cutest!!!!


justine said...

I'm following you on twitter



justine said...

I tweeted!



turboterp said...

Like you, I love sheep, and I REALLY love these beautiful works of art. It was hard to pick a favorite, but I'm going with this one:
Sheep on a Meadow with Blue Flowers - Needle Felted Pin Cushion
Thank you!

brownhairgirl7 said...

I like the Sheep on a Meadow with Red Flowers. So cute!


Ken said...

My sister loves the Suffolk Sheep on a Meadow - Needle Felted Pin Cushion and Goat in the Roses- Needle Felted Pin Cushion. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

erma said...

I love the needle felted goat.

Anonymous said...

Night time sheep. :)

Kate said...

The Goat in the Roses- Needle Felted Pin Cushion is my fave! Thanks!!


Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

nighttime sheep is my favorite


Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

follow on twitter as kngmckellar


Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...



Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...



Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...



Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...



scat413 said...

The ladybug is cute as a bug.

Hotsnotty2 said...

My favorite is the Needle Felted Mini Sheep Mobile in Pink and Red! Thanks!


Aisling said...

Oh - these are wonderful creations! My favorite item is the Baby Owls in a Nest and my favorite pin cushion is the Suffolk Sheep on a Meadow - Needle Felted Pin Cushion.

Miranda Ward said...

The pair of black and red hens

Liz Mays said...

The Nighttime Sheep with Wings - Needle Felted Mobile is absolutely adorable!

Liz Mays said...

I blogged about it here #2

Liz Mays said...

I blogged about it here #3

Liz Mays said...

I blogged about it here #4

Liz Mays said...

I blogged about it here #5

Liz Mays said...

I blogged about it here #7

Liz Mays said...

I blogged about it here #8

Liz Mays said...

I blogged about it here #9

Liz Mays said...

I blogged about it here #10

Liz Mays said...

I have your summer event button #1

Liz Mays said...

I follow on twitter (blueviolet)

Liz Mays said...

I entered the Crafterall giveaway.

Liz Mays said...

I entered the Cricut giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I FELL IN LOVE WITH THE NIGHTTIME SHEEP WITH WINGS MOBILE! now i can count sheep with wings to sleep.


Julie said...

I like the sheep with the black head


Kathy P said...

i like the Needle Felted Sheep

Kathy P said...

following on twitter klp1965

Kathy P said...


Unknown said...

My favorite is the Needle Felted Mini Sheep Mobile in Blue!



Helen said...

I like the Needle Felted Mini Nativity.

Candie L said...

I like the Mini Sheep on a Meadow - Needle Felted Pin Cushion with Red Flowers. Thank you


Anonymous said...

I like the farm circus pin cushion.I'd love it for my mother as she loves to sew and she's not allergic to wool the way I am.


lilyk said...

The Mini Sheep on a Meadow Needle Felted Pin Cushion with Red Flowers is very cute!


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Psalm 90:12  (NIV)

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