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9 Unusual Things to Wash in the Dishwasher

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1. Kids’ & pet toys. Eliminate dirt and germs periodically with a nice wash in the dishwasher (You don’t have to wash them in the same load with your dishes!)

2. Vegetable brushes, scrub brushes, & baby bottle brushes. Eliminate the bacteria in your kitchen brushes by sanitizing them in the dishwasher.

3. Kitchen & cleaning sponges. Kill the germs on your sponges instead of spreading them around.

4. Tooth brush holders. Toothpaste and water can build up in the bottom of your tooth brush holders. Wash them in the dishwasher from time to time to keep them clean.

5. Refrigerator shelving. Most modern refrigerator shelving is designed to be dishwasher safe (older appliances may not be). You may need to remove the top rack of the dishwasher to fit larger shelves.

6. Cup holder inserts from your car. Many cars now have removable cup holders that are dishwasher safe. No need for sticky cupholders!

7. Glass globe covers for light fixtures (use normal or a light setting). The top rack of the dishwasher is safest for these. You can even wedge them into place with sponges or plastic cups to keep fixtures from possibly moving.

8. Trash can lids and trash cans. The bottom rack will fit a small to medium sized garbage can (some may require removal of the top rack).

9. Dog food & water bowl. Keep your canine's dishes clean too!


Ashley said...

Thanks for posting these great tips!

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