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Crest Whitestrips Advanced Seal Review

Pin It Now! Crest Whitestrip Advanced Seal ReviewI've used Crest Whitestrips before and have had nothing but good things to say about them. A while ago Walmart gave me a box of the new and improved Crest Whitestrips Advanced Seal to try. Although I have had a good experience with the original Crest Whitestrips I have to say there is a noticeable difference in the new Advanced Seal strips. These strips went on easier, fit much better, and stayed on my teeth better. So much so that I accidentally left them on for two hours instead of the recommended 30 minutes. My teeth were a little sensitive so I skipped a day and then I was fine and went back into my routine. I usually put them on right before I got in the shower and took them out when I was ready to head to work. I love that with these strips in my mouth I could talk and actually be understood.

Overall, Crest Whitestrips are an affordable way to whiten your teeth at home. There are only $45 for 14 strips. I’ve tried several teeth whitening products in the past, and for me, Crest Whitestrips are currently the best value, easiest to use, and the only one (that I've found that offer coupons).


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